Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Could it be?

Well, it looks like we might finally have a short break from this unreal weather pattern of the past month. It hasn't rained here in 3 days, and the rain chances are very low through Friday. I'm going to do my moisture tests tomorrow, and if everything is clear we will start the Ultraguard application either Thursday evening or Friday morning.

Hopefully this will work out, because if we miss this window they are forecasting another week of rain starting sometime this weekend.


Unknown said...


(If your are following this blog)
Could you share some information about Aquatapoxy and Permaclean (links, where bought, cost, links; anything else) here or email me at


Brad said...

I have enjoyed reading through your blog. Were you able to finish with the Ultraguard? If so, how did it turn out? Was it difficult to apply?

Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Celular, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

Blue said...


My name is Blue. I am Mike's wife. I just discovered this blog Mike had. Unfortunately Mike is no longer with us and I don't have access to this blog.

Shortly after making his last post Mike was poisoned by the Ultraguard paint he was using to refinish our pool with. It seems that the paint is very toxic. I can't say much since we are in litigation with Ken Bankoff and the man is a maniac.

If you were considering to use the Ultraguard porduct and you value your life I wouldn't use it.

helgew said...

Nice one, Blue!

Anonymous said...

Good to know about your blog i have visit and i like it.
Thanks for post..

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psingh said...


so its nice blog..Good to know about your blog have visit and i like it.

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